Friday, July 19, 2013

Dear Future Husband

Have you ever seen the hash tags on Twitter?
#DearFutureHusband or #DearFutureWife?

I have, and I love stalking all the tweets because they're adorable and make my heart melt.

The thing is, some of us, including me, aren't in a relationship and have no idea who that may be.

Naturally, especially girls, we crave to be loved. We crave to be in a relationship and feel whole. The thing is, that allowing that to consume our thoughts may push us away from God.

Whenever I find myself feeling lonely, I pray for my husband. That sounds weird, says my husband. I'm 16, so obviously I'm no where near getting married.

But I know I want a Christ centered relationship. There's no way around it. If you don't know God, I'm sorry. No way in heck am I marrying you.

And the best way I can feel loved by someone I don't know, is to pray for them.

I know, you're probably asking how you can pray for someone if I don't know ANYTHING about him. But you can!

For my future husband, I'll usually pray for his safety for the day, and his safety if he's traveling. I pray about his relationship with Christ and for the strength to make it through any struggles he may be facing.

It's kinda lame, but that's what we're supposed to do! We're supposed to pray for each other. That's such an easy way to make sure it's a Christ centered relationship. Pray for each other.

Obviously I can't talk to my husband right now, because I don't know who he is. But I can talk to God about him, because He does know who my husband is. He's picked Him out for me.

Sometimes I find myself wondering if he does the same for me, too.

So here's my challenge for you. Instead of constantly thinking about guys when you feel lonely, when you should be constantly thinking about God, pray about your husband or wife!
What better way could you show them you love them other than that?

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