Tuesday, July 9, 2013



What first came into your mind. What is beauty to you?

Is it the way the waves crash upon the shore?
Is it someone famous you've seen on TV?
Is it the song the birds sing as the sun rises in the morning?
Is it that girl who has the flat stomach you've been trying to get for so long?

To me,beauty is so many things. But something so breath taking, so beautiful to me is someone's soul. How they let God shine throw them so others can see Him.

It's the little things God has put into my life so that I can admire what work He has done...On this Earth, through me.

I love to go on walks in the night during the winter. Most of you probably think I'm crazy, and sometimes I think I'm crazy, too. But what I experience on those walks is worth freezing my butt off.

December is my favorite. My favorite time is about 1am.  I get to walk and be truly alone with God. I look around as the crisp breeze nips at my face, and hear the sound of the snow crunching beneath my feet. To see the way the Christmas lights reflect off the snow is so beautiful to me. To see how the ice will wrap around the branches of a tree, and have the light of a street lamp bounce off of it.

It's all so peaceful and quiet. Sometimes it's almost as though I can feel God's presence. I can almost hear Him speaking to me and feel His love so strong, as if He was walking right beside me.

I challenge you to do this one night (or one day). Take a walk and take in the beauty God has placed all around you. It's been there your whole life, even on rainy days. Maybe then you'd realize that beauty isn't measured by how much space is between your thighs.

Beauty is found through God. And what matters to God is our inner beauty.
So if we're trying to become more like Him, and He doesn't care about our outward appearance, then why should we?

Instead of wasting your time trying to get a thigh gap, go outside and see the beauty that already surrounds you. Go outside and use the silence to listen to what God has to say to you.

And He might just have to say,
"You're absolutely beautiful."

Because you ARE.

"He has made everything beautiful in it's time"
-Ecclesiastes 3:11

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