Friday, July 19, 2013

Stay Humble.

For me, I have an inner battle to stay humble. It wrestles with my pride, and they clash.

As Christians, heck, even as just people, I think staying humble is something we all struggle with.

For me, when I know I did something good, I'll tell the story to get a Good Job! or a pat on the back. I know it's wrong, but sometimes I just want to hear it. I want to know people are proud of me, and approve of me.

But, my friend sent me a letter today. She's at Work Crew for a month, and she sent me a letter on how it was going. A few things in the letter really hit me, and have stuck with me.

"We all wish to be humble, but what if no one noticed?"

"Being humble is about praising God, and not self glorification."

"My only regret should be that I couldn't give more at the feet of Jesus."

"Doing good is not to hope people see, but to be so enthralled with the Lord that you give Him all, and people just happen to notice."

The last one is my favorite, as is the third.

We want people to see us do good deeds because we want to feel like someone is proud of us. We crave that. We would break our backs to hear someone say "Good job, I'm proud of you!"

But that's not how it should be.

It's should be about us at all. Rather, it should be all about Jesus and His love for us.

Allowing pride to carry your heart will only effect your ability to love some people in the way Jesus does. And that's exactly what we were brought to do, to show people the love of Jesus, and we can't lead the way when we're blinded by our own pride.

To humble yourself is to be more concerned with people learning who God is instead of learning who you are. I struggle with that sometimes.

The other day, a friend of mine texted me saying "I'm going to get Daughter of the King of Kings tatted on my forearm, just thought I'd let you know" I was angry.  Daughter of the King of Kings has much importance to me, and I told her many times before that I had planned on getting that exact same thing. I didn't want her to steal my idea.

As soon as I had told her I didn't want her to get it, I prayed. For some reason I felt guilty despite the fact I told her the truth of how I felt. A voice in my head, no doubt God, asked "What are your reasons for not allowing her to get the tattoo?"

Every answer that came was selfish.
"It was MY thing."
"I was supposed to get that. ME!"

I realized then, I had made the situation about myself instead of about the Lord, as it should have been.

Telling her she couldn't get that tattooed on her body was the equivalent of saying being a Daughter of God didn't apply to her, which it does. As it applies to everyone, even those who don't love Him back yet.

So I had to humble myself (Which would have been impossible if I hadn't prayed.) and I told her that she could get it. After I told her, I no longer felt guilty or rotten. I had no choice but to praise God and thank Him for the strength He gave me to do so.

I shared this, not because I wanted a pat on the back, but as a reminder that the right thing to do is rarely the easiest. It's SO HARD to humble yourself sometimes.

Humble yourself.
Let down the armor and the rants about how you're so strong and nothing hurts you. Allow God to help you out.

Humble yourself by realizing you can do nothing without Him.

Allow Him to shine rather than yourself.

We all struggle with pride. And even to admit you struggle is being humble in itself.

Don't just do good so that others can see you, do good so that through you, others can see Him.

You either live all for Him, or all for nothing.

It's your choice.

"Doing good is not to hope people see, but to be so enthralled with the Lord that you give Him all, and people just happen to notice."

Dear Future Husband

Have you ever seen the hash tags on Twitter?
#DearFutureHusband or #DearFutureWife?

I have, and I love stalking all the tweets because they're adorable and make my heart melt.

The thing is, some of us, including me, aren't in a relationship and have no idea who that may be.

Naturally, especially girls, we crave to be loved. We crave to be in a relationship and feel whole. The thing is, that allowing that to consume our thoughts may push us away from God.

Whenever I find myself feeling lonely, I pray for my husband. That sounds weird, says my husband. I'm 16, so obviously I'm no where near getting married.

But I know I want a Christ centered relationship. There's no way around it. If you don't know God, I'm sorry. No way in heck am I marrying you.

And the best way I can feel loved by someone I don't know, is to pray for them.

I know, you're probably asking how you can pray for someone if I don't know ANYTHING about him. But you can!

For my future husband, I'll usually pray for his safety for the day, and his safety if he's traveling. I pray about his relationship with Christ and for the strength to make it through any struggles he may be facing.

It's kinda lame, but that's what we're supposed to do! We're supposed to pray for each other. That's such an easy way to make sure it's a Christ centered relationship. Pray for each other.

Obviously I can't talk to my husband right now, because I don't know who he is. But I can talk to God about him, because He does know who my husband is. He's picked Him out for me.

Sometimes I find myself wondering if he does the same for me, too.

So here's my challenge for you. Instead of constantly thinking about guys when you feel lonely, when you should be constantly thinking about God, pray about your husband or wife!
What better way could you show them you love them other than that?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Do Not Be Afraid.

We've all been afraid. Whether or not we admit it, we have been.

Whether it's a near death experience, anxiety attacks, bad dreams, being home alone for the first time.. Fear is something we all have to deal with. And it sucks.

But there isn't a reason to be afraid.

Have you ever straight up sprinted up the stairs after turning off the lights downstairs? I know I did. I still do sometimes, not gonna lie.

I remember when I as little up until about my freshman year, I would have horrible anxiety attacks. I'd miss school because I had no sleep the night before. It got to the point where I wouldn't want to walk to my us stop because I thought someone would abduct me before I got to the stop.

Paranoid, much? Yeah, I was.

But after I started my relationship with Christ, all that went away. It was awesome.

I've been in a relationship with Christ for over a year now, and I've only had one anxiety attack since then.
(And the one I had was when I forgot my formula sheet for my FINAL. EXAM. for geometry. I failed.)

Fun Fact: The Bile says "Don't Be Afraid" 365 times.

Coincidence? Nahh. If God, the creator of literally everything, is with you always, what do you have to fear?

NOTHING. There is nothing that can harm you. Don't put His power in a box and put limits on it, because there is no limit to how much He loves you, so how could there be limits to how much He looks after you?

Something that always gave me comfort when I was afraid of something that happened in my life, I reminded myself that everything has a purpose. Everything happens for a reason. (Cliche, yes. But it's the truth.) And that always calmed me down. It allowed me to see past the chaos and see how it would help make everything work out in the future.

Whenever you find yourself afraid, stop. Stop what you're doing and pray. It's kinda like the whole Stop Drop and Role thing. (But I promise, you'll use this more than you use that. Or at least you should.)

Stop. Pray. Read.

Wanna know some of the 365 verses that tell us to not be afraid? Well, here ya go.

Deuteronomy 31:6
Deuteronomy 31:8
Genesis 35:17
Acts 18:9
Matthew 1:20
Jeremiah 42:11
Joshua 11:6
Daniel 10:19
Deuteronomy 20:1
John 14:1

Jesus Walks on the Water

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

29 “Come,” he said.
Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.“You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”
32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

I love this story. The fact that when Peter was afraid, He cried to the Lord for help. He didn't just try to swim back to the boat himself. He stayed still and cried to Jesus. He TRUSTED that He would save him, and He did!

I challenge you to be more like Peter in this story. Even when you're afraid, and we all are sometimes, trust in God. KNOW that He will save you, because He will. He already HAS. Him saving you wasn't just a one time thing. It's something that happens everyday over the course of your life.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you, He will NEVER leave nor forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"Are you ready to die with me?"

During Young Life camp this summer, I went to a second timers meeting, and the speaker was telling us the story of when he first started leading Young Life. This story stuck with me.

One of the other guys leading at the high school went up to him and had said, "Are you ready to die with me?"

No, no. It's not like they were sacrificing themselves.

Die as in, are you ready to put yourself aside and become 3rd in your life. To prioritize God and showing Him to these high school kids.

To be more concerned with helping them get to know Christ rather than helping them get to know you.

Last year, if someone asked me that, I would have been out of there.

Now, I'm glad to live in a way that let's God shine instead of myself. Although I still find myself struggling with pride every once in awhile. But then again, who doesn't? It's impossible to do something awesome and not pat yourself on the back and think, "Hey, I did really freaking well." It's easy to do that sometimes. Sometimes it's hard to say, "I couldn't have done it without God."

When I find myself struggling with this, with questioning why I don't live for myself, I refer back to this;

"If Christ died for you, why not live for Him?"

I don't know about you, but when I first saw that, I about peed. My mind was blown. I just thought, well, crap. You got me.

I have to admit, having to let myself DIE? What the heck. I'm only 16. Like dude, let me live a little. Didn't you die so I could do that?

Little did I know, that letting myself die is what would allow me to start living. Truly.

I no longer am drowning in guilt, I have a direction for my life and a path to follow. I'm no longer afraid of death because I know that to die is to gain. I know that all I do, all I am, is for a purpose. And it's the same for you. No matter who you are.

It brings me so much joy to say that I am second. To be able to live for God is a privilege to me. (Although sometimes I do fail at doing that.) To be able to open someone's mind to what will bring them everlasting life and joy, to realizing they're forgiven and loved, brings me such peace.

I no longer feel empty at the end of the day when I lay in bed alone with my thoughts. I no longer feel this pull of 'there's got to be something more'. I found that something more in Jesus Christ. When I Surrendered My Life (get it?) to Him, I gained everything I needed. I began to truly live.

So I want to ask YOU.

Are you ready to die with me?

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." - Galatians 2:20

"And He died for ALL, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again" - 2 Corinthians 5:15



What first came into your mind. What is beauty to you?

Is it the way the waves crash upon the shore?
Is it someone famous you've seen on TV?
Is it the song the birds sing as the sun rises in the morning?
Is it that girl who has the flat stomach you've been trying to get for so long?

To me,beauty is so many things. But something so breath taking, so beautiful to me is someone's soul. How they let God shine throw them so others can see Him.

It's the little things God has put into my life so that I can admire what work He has done...On this Earth, through me.

I love to go on walks in the night during the winter. Most of you probably think I'm crazy, and sometimes I think I'm crazy, too. But what I experience on those walks is worth freezing my butt off.

December is my favorite. My favorite time is about 1am.  I get to walk and be truly alone with God. I look around as the crisp breeze nips at my face, and hear the sound of the snow crunching beneath my feet. To see the way the Christmas lights reflect off the snow is so beautiful to me. To see how the ice will wrap around the branches of a tree, and have the light of a street lamp bounce off of it.

It's all so peaceful and quiet. Sometimes it's almost as though I can feel God's presence. I can almost hear Him speaking to me and feel His love so strong, as if He was walking right beside me.

I challenge you to do this one night (or one day). Take a walk and take in the beauty God has placed all around you. It's been there your whole life, even on rainy days. Maybe then you'd realize that beauty isn't measured by how much space is between your thighs.

Beauty is found through God. And what matters to God is our inner beauty.
So if we're trying to become more like Him, and He doesn't care about our outward appearance, then why should we?

Instead of wasting your time trying to get a thigh gap, go outside and see the beauty that already surrounds you. Go outside and use the silence to listen to what God has to say to you.

And He might just have to say,
"You're absolutely beautiful."

Because you ARE.

"He has made everything beautiful in it's time"
-Ecclesiastes 3:11