Saturday, December 21, 2013

Loving Jesus.

A couple weeks ago, I was with a friend, and we were talking about a new friend she made. I asked, "Do they love Jesus?"
Tonight, I asked myself what the meant. What does it mean to love Jesus?

To me, this is loving Jesus. It's listening to worship music more than any other kind, getting frustrated because you can never find the words to describe how His love makes you feel. It's speaking to Him as though He was physically right beside you... not because you want something, but simply because you want to talk to Him, or because you want to thank Him for what He's done, what He's doing, and all He's yet to do.   

 It's wanting to glorify Christ in everything you do, whether it's going on a mission trip or drinking a cup of coffee. It's loving the little things He does in your life and wanting to proclaim what joy He's given you to anyone who will listen. It's searching for His hand in everything throughout your day, whether it's in the kind smile of a stranger, the beautiful way Christmas lights glow upon the surface of snow or in the warm embrace of a friend. It's simply wanting to be in His presence. It's being thankful for the pain you've felt, for it's an opportunity to grow closer to Him and be taught by our Savior. It's being that person people think is crazy when you say "I can't wait to die" because that's when you finally get to see our Father face to face. It's being broken hearted by the sight of others who don't yet know Him, and having a desire to be a light in their life.

It's simply laughing under your breath, left in awe by how amazing you find His love to be. It's being so overwhelmed by His love that all you can bring yourself to say is "Thank You." Over and over again. It's to simply find yourself lost in His mystery, and wanting to stay there.

There are so many things I want to say about Jesus and loving Him, but like I said earlier, I can't find all the words. It'd be easier for me to contain the oceans in a coffee cup than I could explain, let alone comprehend, the wonderful, unconditional love of Jesus Christ. There are so many ways to explain how we can live for Him, just as there are an unending amount of ways He loves us. There are ways that I don't yet know, but I hope I allow Him to teach me them.