Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Problem with Pain.

So I'm sitting here moping and letting myself sit in self pity listening to Drops of Jupiter by Train on repeat (only because I'm obsessed with it and it makes me want to dance.)

I'm sitting here thinking about some guy. That's what I'm moping about.


And it took me almost a stinking year to figure that out. My friend Jen (She's possibly the happiest person to ever exist and I love her for it) told me today,

"Why not be happy?"

And it's true. Why not? Why do we sit around and let the devil use our broken heart or pain as a foothold to drag us down?

Why do we turn to everything we know is never going to help us?

Why do we try to not fill the void, but merely distract ourselves from the pain when we know how to MEND it?

It's like having cancer and having the cure sitting right next to you, but you just stare at it and cry and complain about how you wish you were better. You don't USE what's right in front of you to help you.

God has placed so many things in our life to help us. HE can mend us.

Like right now. I'm kind of using this to vent-ish. While in reality I should be doing any of the following:

- Reading my Bible.
- Reading 'Captivating'.
- Listening to worship music.

But no, I was sitting here scrolling through Twitter and complaining to myself about how I wish I was just better.


Why do we spend so much of our energy focusing on the pain of this world, instead of focusing on the joy in Heaven and the love of the Lord.

And for me, Why am I sitting here thinking of someone that isn't even a part of my life anymore when I KNOW God has picked a man for me that will cherish me, and push me closer to the Lord, and find me captivating. Why don't I think about that instead? Why don't I just think about the Lord and His promises?

I think if we did that, I believe it'd be a lot easier to be happy and joyful.

One last thing, as the magnificent C.S. Lewis puts it,
"Never let your happiness depend on something you may lose."
Get that?
Don't let it depend on money, materialistic things, relationships, popularity.

What is the ONE thing that will NEVER leave nor forsake you?


Let your happiness depend solely on Him.

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
- 2 Corinthians 4:17

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